What Happens Next?

I’m not going to lie, I’m terrified of the future. I may be the only one to openly admit it, but I know for a fact I’m not alone. The unknown is a scary place, who knows what it will hold? But I will tell you a few things I have learned along the way, and I hope my advice can help.

One of the most important things to remember is that things will always get better. You may hit some rough patches along the way, but you will survive and life will go on. Think about all the difficult things you have faced in the past. At the time, it may have felt like the end of the world. But look at yourself now. You made it. And hopefully your days are brighter than before.

It is also important to remember to try not to worry too much. Some things my seem like an issue you are responsible for solving. Relax. Not everything is under your control. Sometimes you’re just going to have to accept how things are and see how everything works out. I promise you, things will work out as they are meant to. Even if the results aren’t desirable at the time, you have to remember it is all part of the plan.

As long as you are being the best “you” possible, then you have nothing to worry about. Stay in school. Stay focused. Set goals for yourself and do everything you can to achieve them. If you work hard now, it will pay off later. Trust me. Just do the best you can and things will work out in your favor! I believe in you!

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