The ones who talk are crazy, not the ones who hear…

The ones who talk are crazy, not the ones who hear... A Media Matters @ WFHS Post

The ones who talk are crazy, not the ones who hear… A Media Matters @ WFHS Post

All individuals have a voice in their head that they hear. We’ve grown up listening to this voice, whether it is when we read, think, or are just viewing daily routines of others. Is it however, normal to hear more than one voice? Sure as a child, it could be viewed as normal, but when the child finds itself contemplating the decision to hide the voice or not is a problem. Nolan isn’t a psychopath. He seeks someone to listen to, because in his world he has no other voice of reasoning, but the numeral one’s floating around his head.

Although a bit disturbing at first Han Nolan in his book Crazy knows exactly how  to keep the reader’s attention. There could have been numerous way’s  that Nolan could have dealt with the loss of his mother, and the mental loss of his father. Yet, he is chosen to listen to a group of imaginary friend’s to guide his way.

Viewed as a children’s book, but I wouldn’t recommend it for them. The plot can be very confusing at times, and hard to follow if you decide to put the book down and take a mental break. Recommendation’s go towards teen’s that are dedicated to reading a little more difficult books, and for those of ages sixteen and older. This book definitely deserves a three out of five-star rating!

Midterm Survival Playlist


Now we’ve all got those pesky midterms coming up and sometimes you need some music to pump up your spirits and get you motivated! Classical music is great when you want something intense to spike your spirits, but don’t want to distract yourself from your studies with lyric-filled music. Here are some of my personal favorite studying songs!

1) Verdi Requiem- Dies Irae

2) Prokofiev – Romeo and Juliet – Dance of the knights

3) Phantom of the Opera- Instrumental Theme

4)Tchaikovsky – 1812 Overture

5)Carl Orff – O Fortuna – Carmina Burana

6) Johannes Brahms – Hungarian Dance No. 5

7) Vivaldi – Four Seasons (Winter)

8) Beethoven-Fur Elise

9) Dmitri Shostakovich – Waltz No. 2

10) Vivaldi – Spring

How to Make Your Photography Better in 5 Steps


#1: Get to know your camera. 

You don’t need a fancy camera to take quality photos, but whatever you are using,make sure you know how to use it. Using the automatic functions on your camera is easy, but the laziness can often be seen in your photos and its worth while to learn about all the functions your camera has to offer.

#2 Don’t be afraid of looking dumb.

Some of the best photos come from completely ridiculous shoots. Lay on the ground, climb a tree, ask a stranger to pose, whatever you need to do, don’t let your pride hold you back from creating incredible things.

#3 Get off of those social networks.

Now, I will be the first to say that sites like Pinterest and Tumblr are great sources of inspiration, but all too often I see the same ideas used over and over by various photographers trying to make overly artsy or deep pieces that in the end, come out looking cliche and cheesy. Be original, above all.

#4 Don’t be afraid of flopping

No one is perfect, we all have shots that don’t come out just as we planned and that doesn’t mean much. We all have our flops. Don’t play it safe due to fear.

#5 Don’t get too arrogant.

Although we would all like to think that we are mighty and grand sometimes, we need to stay humble in order to grow as an artist. There is no perfect photographer and admitting that you still have things to learn is the key to becoming better.

Time Travel, Trauma, and Tralfamadorians

4120yizU-2L._SY344_BO1,204,203,200_    Slaughterhouse Five tells the story of a young aspiring optometrist, Billy, who gets drafted into the war. Although he is not actively fighting, he resents the war. Soon into the war, he gets captured as a prisoner of war and gets tormented not only by his captors, but his fellow prisoners as well. After the war when he is married, he struggles with symptoms of post-traumatic stress and is admitted to a veterans hospital to recover and meets fellow veterans who are also struggling and Billy begins to heal himself.  Later on, Billy tells the world about his experiences, but not as a soldier/ prisoner, but as a victim of alien abductions. He tells of aliens called Tralfamadorians and other planets, and most importantly, time travel. Billy is detached from time and bounces about history and the future. After this scene has been made, Billy’s granddaughter decides to take him under her care, as she does not believe his stories. Billy can see his own past… and his own future, which is both a blessing and a curse. 

     Slaughterhouse Five by Kurt Vonnegut is a story that tells a classic story in a creative and new way. We’ve all read countless stories about the horrors and tragedies of war, but Vonnegut brings a new side to the classic tale. The soldiers in this story aren’t heroes or villains, they’re just men. They’re men who aren’t always strong or moral or brave. Along with this, the time travel adds a sci-fi twist that makes the story quirky and strange. Although the context is often confusing, as the narration flashes forward and back, the new and inventive spin on the classic soldier persona is what makes this book so interesting and enticing. 

How to Not Be Sad A Media Matters @ WFHS Post

How to Not Be Sad

If you’re like me, you tend to get a little depressed come winter months. It’s cold, the sky is unhappy, and cabin fever gets really bad. It’s enough to drive anyone crazy. So here are some of my quick tricks on how do stay happy during these unhappy times.

1) Call a friend. If you are not able to see your friends, then call them. Hearing their voice could do wonders.

2)Write. Write a poem. Write a story. Write a list of things that you need to do. Write all of your thoughts, whether they make sense or not.

3)Watch a movie. Get on Netflix and catch up on all of your shows or find a movie and watch it.

4) Listen to music. Discover new music. Discover old music. Get lost in the sounds.

5) Play dress up. Got no where to go? Doesn’t matter. Do your hair and make up. Put on your favorite outfit. It’ll do wonders for your mood.

6) Play a video game or read a book. Get lost in another world.

7) Make art. Draw, paint, take pictures, ect.

8) Cook. Cook a full meal for your family. Bake a cake or cookies or pie. Make happy food. Make healthy food. Eat it all.

9) Sleep. It’s winter, the sun is acting weird. If you want a nap, take a nap. Sleep in as much as you can.

10) Take a walk. If all else fails, take a quick walk (if it’s not too cold). Fresh air can do wonders for someone who has been stuck in a stuffy house.

By roguemsa Posted in Living

Usando las manos para sobrevivir

Usando las manos para sobrevivir  A Media Matters @ WFHS Post

Usando las manos para sobrevivir A Media Matters @ WFHS Post

El Niño que todos saben como criticar, el que solo a tenido fantasias de lo que un dia quisiera ser. Su nombre es Tony Antioch, el que no lo conosen por su nombre pero por la basura blanca que todos desien que es.

En PLeasant meadows todos reconosen que teppo de personas viven. Los pobres, los que no tienen salida, los cuando los miras no puedes hacer otra cosa pero criticar los.

La unica deferenecia es que el ya no puede hacer todo, su mama una drugadicta y su papa un alcoholic que ya anos salio de la foto. Tony encuentra una forma de salir de las manos de su director y entrenador. Pero su pregunta es que si ellos lo quieren salir por el bien de el o por el bien de ellos mismos o de su mejor amigo Rob.


Este libro, Tapout, By: Eric Devine es algo muy interesante de leer, pero seira mas divertido para los ninos de las edades de 15-18. Tiena pelias, motocicletas, y mucha mucha accion. Algo que a todos los ninos le gustan.

The Grass Isn’t Greener On The Other Side of The Fence

The Grass Isn't Greener On The Other Side of The Fence A Media Matters @ WFHS Post

The Grass Isn’t Greener On The Other Side of The Fence A Media Matters @ WFHS Post

Although the book looks thin, this novel is a lot heavier than it looks. “The Boy In The Striped Pajamas“, written by John Boyne, tells the story of WWII from a never-before-used perspective. Bruno is an eight year old German boy who was raised in Berlin. His father – whom Bruno greatly looks up to – is a Nazi commander that has been transferred to run the Auschwitz concentration camp. The move to the new area leaves Bruno without any company except for his elder sister, who is adjusting much easier than he is. He decides to spend his time exploring in the woods nearby the camp, eventually finding himself playing alongside the barbed wired and electric fence that lines the camp, where he meets a young boy on the other side of the fence – Schmuel. The boys are both around the same age and quickly befriend each other, unaware of the social barriers that would divide their relationship. They spend their time playing games and talking through the literal fence that separates them, until Bruno and Schmuel both decide that they want to be with each other – one of them must cross the fence.

Boyne’s novel is freckled with incredible wit and ironic humor. He teases at the contrast between the harsh hatred and realities of war against the innocence of childhood. He manages to create a feeling of naiveté by telling the story from the perspective of a young boy. Bruno innocently reflects at one point on how people greet one another in his life, saying “Heil Hitler,” he said, which, he presumed, was another way of saying, “Well, goodbye for now, have a pleasant afternoon.” This wry and disturbing humor truly stamps the story for what it is, showing how children learn and adopt the tendencies of their elders without truly understanding the meaning of their actions. Later on, Bruno contemplates the people in the concentration camp, whose uniforms he thought looked like pajamas. His thoughts wander around, wondering, “What exactly was the difference? he wondered to himself. And who decided which people wore the striped pajamas and which people wore the uniforms?” Bruno’s simplistic comment that would in another sense seem childish is held as one of the major themes of the novel. Nothing truly separates the Jews from the Nazis, in Bruno’s mind which is not how his father sees it. The book’s woeful commentary not only on how children learn, but as a commentary on humanity rings prominent and true.

Boyne’s incredible ability to portray childhood naiveté pokes through the lines again at Bruno’s first true witnessing of the concentration camp internally. He wanders around with Schmuel after changing into the pajamas, the lines separating the two boys being left behind them as they both toddle around site, Bruno’s expectation being drastically disappointed. “He had thought that there would be a shop in the center, and maybe a small cafe like the ones he had known in Berlin; he had wondered whether there would be a fruit and vegetable stalls. As it turned out, all the things that he thought might be there – weren’t.” The drastic let-down of Bruno’s imagination finally breaks the fourth wall that the reader has been experiencing about Bruno’s curiosity to the death camp all along. The shock that Boyne delivers is enough to bring tears and chills to the reader.

This novel was definitely one of my favorite reads, and Boyne’s ability to manipulate characters and words stamps the novel as one that will be renowned through the ages. I couldn’t put this novel down, and was definitely one that I would recommend again and again.

-written by librarysciencessms

What Makes a Cake a Cake A Media Matters @ WFHS Post

What Makes a Cake a Cake

Did someone say chocolate  cake?!

Do I have your attention? Unfortunately, the technology to transport food through computer screens has yet to be invented so we’ll just stick with the appetizing picture above and dream of what we could be indulging on.

A cake is, by definition, a sweet, baked, bread-like food, made with or without shortening, and usually containing flour, sugar, baking powder or soda, eggs, and liquid flavoring. In other words, a cake (baked correctly) is heaven on earth. Sweet, moist, filling, chocolate, vanilla Mmmm…. I can smell one now… 🙂

Let’s look at a basic recipe, shall we?

Basic Vanilla Cake

  • 1 1/2 cup(s) sifted cake flour
  • 1 1/2 teaspoon(s) baking powder
  • 1/4 teaspoon(s) salt
  • 1/2 cup(s) (1 stick) unsalted butter, softened
  • 1 cup(s) sugar
  • 2 large eggs, room temperature
  • 1/2 teaspoon(s) vanilla extract
  • 1/2 cup(s) whole milk



  1. Heat the oven to 400 degrees F. Lightly coat an 8-inch cake pan with butter and dust with all-purpose flour. Sift the cake flour, baking powder, and salt into a large mixing bowl.
  2. Beat in the butter one heaping 1/4 teaspoonful at a time, using an electric mixer set on low-speed, until the mixture resembles coarse sand. Beat in the sugar a tablespoon at a time, until the mixture resembles fine damp sand. Beat in the eggs one at a time. Add the vanilla and milk, and beat on medium-high, just until blended. Do not overbeat.
  3. Pour into the prepared pan and bake until a wooden skewer inserted in the center comes out clean — 30 to 35 minutes. Cool cake in the pan on a wire rack for 5 minutes.
  4. Un-mold and cool completely. Ice with Browned-Butter Glaze.


The components of a cake, as listed above, such as the eggs, flour and sugar are the basics of  desserts. What they do chemically is really where the true magic happens. Think back to 7th grade when you were first introduced to the chemical reactions, and you experimented with  baking soda and vinegar. Pretty cool, right? When baking a cake, essentially, you’re observing the physical and chemical changes of all the ingredients you started with coming to one. The eggs act as a binding agent as well as a moistening agent.( Quick tip: egg whites actually act as a drying agent, so when baking a cake, increase the amount of yolks to egg whites for a moister dessert.) The sugars act as an additional sweetener to the desired flavor and baking soda or powder take part in the “chemical” side of things. The soda or powder helps to rise or leaven the cake, much like yeast does in bread.

Now that our little chemistry lesson is over, let’s go bake a cake, shall we?

How to Get Over Heartbreak

A couple of weeks ago, I got my heartbroken for the first time. My long distance boyfriend of 3 months, and I quote, “fell in love with someone else after two days of knowing her.” I was crushed when he told me. I still am. But I’m getting better. So these are some of the things that helped me if, heaven forbid, you too get your heart broken.

1)Delete everything. Right now. Do it. Delete all pictures, texts, videos, whatever. Get rid of it. Unfriend them on everything. Delete them from your life. You deserve so much more than someone who would even for one second think about leaving you. Don’t look back either. Do not, and I repeat DO NOT, look at their profiles and Facebook stalk them. All it’ll do is kill you inside. It’s not worth it.

2)Pack up their stuff. Put it in a box and mail it to them. Burn all their notes. Cleanse your room of them.

3)Wait 3 days. Let yourself mourn your loss. And yes it is a loss. You need to mourn it just like you would a pet or loved one dying. Cry until you can’t cry anymore, scream, beat a pillow, cry some more, eat everything, listen to sad music, cry until they are washed out of your system. After 3 days, for whatever reason, it’ll start to feel okay again. You won’t feel whole again for at least a week, but you won’t be totally sad anymore either.

4)Accept that they are not coming back. This was the hardest thing for me to do. Tell yourself that they are never coming back, that they are gone forever. Say that over and over until you believe it. It won’t get better until you do. Even if they do come back to you, you don’t want them. They took a precious part of you and broke it, you deserve more than that. You should be with someone who takes care of you. Don’t go back to them. They aren’t worth you and all that you have to offer.

5)Get lost in something. Watch a Netflix or YouTube series. Read a book. Write a book. Make some art. Take a walk. Play a video game until you beat it. Just do what you have to stay busy.

6)Go out and do stuff with friends. Don’t have any friends? It’s okay, neither do I. In that case, do stuff with your family. Just don’t leave yourself alone for a day. Surround yourself with people.

7)Give it time. You’re not gonna feel better instantaneously. It’s going to take a lot of time. But you’ll slowly start thinking of them less and less and you’ll start thinking of that cute guy/girl in your *insert name of class* here. You’ll meet new people, make new and better memories. Yes, you’ll have bad days where you miss them and cry again, but that’ll happen less and less until you go a whole day without thinking of their name.

8)Remember that you’ll be okay. Nothing lasts forever, especially not heartbreak. You’ll get through this. XOXO

By roguemsa Posted in Living

The Ultimate Teenage Playlist for Unrequited Feelings

You’re bound to like at least one of these songs.

So,you’re reading this because you’ve randomly stumbled upon it or because you have feelings for someone who doesn’t have any for you(at least not that you know of).

Hand picked by me from my iPhone 😀

1. Comatose by Skillet. This is a good song for when you love someone so much that you want to induce yourself into a comatose state to take the pain away.

2. Dark Horse by Katy Perry. This song is for when you know that you can rock someone’s world and you’re just like LOVE ME DUDE.

3. Dreaming With a Broken Heart by John Mayer. Maybe the one you want left you or maybe you’re pinning after someone who has no interest in you.

4. Drunk by Ed Sheeran. When you want to drown your sorrows (metaphorically of course) because it hurts to much to think about the lover you can’t have.

5. Everything I Didn’t Say by 5 Seconds of Summer. This is a good song to listen to if you regret not telling someone that you care about them or just regret not telling them something.

6. Fallin’ for You by Colbie Calliat. Great song for having confusing feelings toward someone. Do I love them, do I like them..? Ugh! I feel you dude..

7. From Where You Are by Lifehouse. Long distance wanna-be love? This is a great song for missing someone.

8. Give Me Love by Ed Sheeran. When you really wish (s)he felt the same way but what’s that? (S)he doesn’t, join the club!

9. Heart Attack by Demi Lovato. Great song for when you are in the processes of denying your feelings because it hurts too much to accept your feelings for someone who doesn’t have any for you.

10. I Hate Everything About You by Three Days Grace. When you wish you could hate the person you like/love but you can’t so instead you try to come up with things you hate about him/her but instead you end up liking said person more…well, crap.

11.I Love You by Alex and Sierra. Basically, you love someone..

12. I’m A Mess by Ed Sheeran. When running from your feelings doesn’t work, you can just sit here and wallow in self-pity about how you’re a hot mess because love is crazy like that.

13.Invisible by Taylor Swift. When he doesn’t know you exist so therefore has no acknowledgement that you’re head-over-heels in love with him.

14. Iris by Goo Goo Dolls. When you just want to be with that person-so bad.

15. Just a Dream by Nelly. When your alarm goes off at 6:45 am and you realize that you were only dating him in your dream. Seriously?? Ugh!!

16. Last First Kiss by One Direction. In love with your best friend maybe? This is a great song if you want to tell someone you wnt to be their forever. LOL just kidding, that only happens in the books..

17. Love and Death by The Stills. Great for confused feelings.

18. Stay With Me by Sam Smith.  This song is for when you want to be more than friends but you don’t know how.

19. Thinking Out Loud by Ed Sheeran. “And I’m thinking about how people fall in love in mysterious ways…”

20. Power Trip by J Cole. When the love you feel is so powerful and you easily become jealous.

21. Somebody To You by The Vamps. This song is great when you’re vying for someone’s love. I just want to be someone to him, you know what I mean?

22. The Only Exception by Paramore. When you told yourself you were done with love but (s)he broke through your walls.

23. Red by Taylor Swift. When you’re getting over a never-was love/like.

24. To Be Loved by Papa Roach. Describes a powerful love you want.

25. Voodoo Doll by 5 Seconds of Summer. You don’t even know how you started liking this person. Did I seriously do that? Great song that describes feeling like someone is possessing you into liking them but you kind of like it, whaaaaat?

26. You Really Got Me by Kinks. “You got me so I can’t sleep at night”

27. You Belong With Me by Taylor Swift. Do I really need to explain? Nooo, nooo.

28. Salvation by Gabrielle Aplin. “You are my salvation” That feeling that you need someone.. you NEED them.

29.We Found Love in a Hopeless by Rihanna.Unrequited love can feel hopeless.

30. Tied Together With a Smile by Taylor Swift. Your smile is the only thing holding me together..

31. Not in That Way by Sam Smith. “I’m sorry,believe me I love you, but not in that way..”


Well, these are in no order, hope you enjoy! Check back next month for another playlist.



Food, Food, Food

Alyssa Martin

Thanksgiving dinner has always been a crowd pleaser. I mean come on, who doesn’t love all the fattening Thanksgiving food?! All the stuffing, mac and cheese, gravy, green beans… MMM! The list goes on and on. But if you’re anything like me, meat dishes are not on the top of your list. Maybe you can’t eat meat, maybe you just don’t prefer to. Either way, here is’s list of the top best vegetarian side dishes for Thanksgiving dinner in 2014.

1) Garlic Green Beans
2) Veggie Quinoa
3) Baked Mushrooms and Potatoes with Spinach
4) Warm Corn Salad
5) Home-Style Brown Rice Pilaf
6) Cherry Farro Salad with Sweet Vinaigrette
7) Vegetable Lover’s Fried Rice
8) Broccoli Casserole

What the Heck is NaNoWriMo

Every year as November approaches I tell people that I’m planning on doing NaNoWriMo again, in hopes of winning it this year. Of course, this always buys me many strange, confused looks both by people who have no idea what the heck I’m talking about and by people who pronounce it a different way. The latter typically ends in a waste of a minimum of fifteen minutes having a mild-mannered argument over the correct pronunciation that leads to neither of us changing our pronunciations. However the former is much more common and I find myself explaining the horrors I willingly put myself through year after year.

NaNoWriMo stands for National Novel Writing Month and those of who decide that we want to put ourselves through it every year attempt to write a 50,000 word minimum story (I say story because most people don’t publish what they write during the month and the ones who do are the equivalent of gods on Earth) in the month of November which averages about 1667 words per day. This is a very achievable goal for a story over a couple of days, but as it is dragged out over a month, deadlines are missed, and writer’s-block is reached it can become very stressful.

As the month progresses I often find myself cursing the fact that I ever thought that participating was a good idea and I feel like trashing my work completely, as do countless other people in the community. However that is what the community is for. Not only is there a forum with countless threads for whatever trouble you might be having but there are also local groups that have regular write-ins along with other motivational things that keep you going. And when all else fails looking at your word count and seeing how far you’ve gotten can be the best motivator of all.

The rules are simple, you can do as much planning/research as you want before hand, but all writing must wait until midnight on November first then you just try to keep up with your word count goal for the day.

Click here for more information on NaNoWriMo or to sign up and join us this year.

6 Things I’ve Learned From Working In a Drive-Thru Window.

1. When you yell, “Hello?!” into the speaker: We already know that you’re there, and we also can’t take your order yet.

    When your car pulls up to the speaker, there’s already been an alert in the restaurant that you’ve arrived. We have cameras, even, that can tell us whether or not you’ve actually moved up close enough to the speaker for us to be able to hear you. The person that’s taking your order is always juggling something else whether it’s cleaning trays, taking money from another customer, or just counting out change. We’d hate to forget your order while we are bouncing between so many different things, so please forgive us. We’d much rather give you our absolute and full attention than a little piece of it, and we will be with you as soon as possible.

2. We’re sorry when we can’t remember your order. 

Remember when I mentioned how busy it can get? Yeah. I always feel really guilty whenever this happens, but we do forget your orders sometimes. Just cut some slack, we really are trying. We’re people, too.

3. There is a way to always get fresh fries.

Though this is pretty cruel to do to people, there is a way to do it. Most fast food places have fresh fries every seven minutes, but the later you get into the night, the less likely you are to get fresh fries. SO, if it is late at night, and you want fresh fries, you can always ask for fries with no salt. Just don’t do it where I work.

4. The difference between foam cups and plastic cups.

     For some fast food places, they offer large foam cups and large plastic cups. Most people who pull through have a preference to which cup they get, because they think one cup will hold more liquid than another, but the truth is they hold the same amount of fluid ounces. What the difference boils down to is this Foam cups will keep your cup colder for longer, and they won’t have any condensation on the edges. Downside to what seems like the ultimately superior cup? Squeeze ’em a little too hard and you’ll get your favorite soda all over your lap. Both have some pros and cons, but I’ll leave it to you to pick the one you prefer.

5. The women’s restroom is always a little bit cleaner than the men’s.

It’s not because we don’t clean them equally because we do. I promise, I have no bias when I’m scrubbing toilet seats, and I promise that I scrub both sinks in both bathrooms with the same amount of vigor. The men’s restroom just always ends up dirtier at the end of the day. If you’re a man who can muster up enough bravery to face a little bit of ridicule, I’d recommend sneaking into the women’s and using their generally cleaner toilets and sinks. The girls also usually have paper towels more often, which you can’t say for the men’s restroom. Your choice, bro.

6. Skip out on the soda, just get the sandwich, fries, and a water.

A lot of fast food companies want you to believe that you’re saving money by just getting the combo, but here’s the truth. For fast food companies like McDonald’s, it only costs them 13-19 cents to make a large drink that’s an 83-87 cent profit, which is a ridiculously large profit margin. If you just skip out on your soda and get a water (which I realize is a hard thing, my commitment to diet coke rivals a marital commitment), you’re actually saving a bit more money than you would think. On top of that, soda can actually dehydrate you. It makes more sense to just get water instead. You save a bit of change and your teeth won’t rot. What’s to lose?

-written by librarysciencessms

The problem with our education system

In my opinion, our education system is not designed in a very effective way. I believe in high school students should be allowed more freedom in choosing their courses. There should be less required courses and more opportunities for students to choose courses that they are interested in. Students are required to take courses such as math and history, but for some, they won’t need this knowledge once they graduate high school and get a job. For example, if someone wants to be an artist they have no need for mathematical knowledge beyond a basic level, but they are still required to take math classes all 4 years of high school. I think that math should only be required for one or two years and the remaining years should be spent taking classes that pertain to a student’s desired field of study. Art students can take more art classes, engineering students can take more engineering classes, etc.

I also think there need to be more classes pertaining to real life situations. There should be classes about things like public speaking and how to pay taxes and other classes that teach students about real life situations. These will help students be prepared for when they go off on their own. Skills like public speaking are very beneficial when trying to get a job, so it should be taught in schools. This is more useful than teaching students about math and physics when they aren’t even interested in it. And let’s face it, most students forget what they learn in those classes unless they apply it later in life. So instead of teaching students unnecessary information, we should be more focused on preparing students for college by offering life skills classes and allowing them to select their courses based on their interests. ~EB~

Grammar Nazi

Grammar Nazi A Media Matters @ WFHS Post

Grammar Nazi A Media Matters @ WFHS Post

Are you a stickler for good grammar? Do you find yourself irked by small mistakes you see while reading or listening to people? Would you rather die than have someone correct your grammatical errors? If you answered yes or no to any of these questions, then go to the library at the next possible chance and check out Eats, Shoots and Leaves. So yes, that means everybody.

Whether or not you consider yourself a grammar guru or not, having good grammar can benefit your life in unprecedented ways. Writing and speaking two of the most unavoidable tasks we as humans must undertake, and grammar greatly affects both. If you want to be taken seriously, and have your point come across in a clear, coherent matter, it is simply essential that you have correct grammar. This book takes the reader through all sorts of grammatically challenging situations and explains them in a simple and entertaining manner, making it both an enjoyable and enriching read. With its witty sarcasm, clever personification, and amusing anecdotes, it’s instructional without being boring. I mean, who would have thunk thought learning something so mundane as grammar could be so fun? What’s even better is that included with the book is a set of punctuation stickers for the novice and experienced grammar Nazi alike to rid the world of grammar atrocities. So get to work, young grasshoppers, the confused, misled, lesser people of the world are committing grammar crimes every minute and its it’s our job to fix them.